Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I've never BEEn so happy before! Did you know that when you knock on people's door, they give you candy and animal cookies?? I think I wanna go visit my neighbors again tomorrow!

Okay, I KNOW there are other parents out there who can answer this question based on their children's television habits: What do you do with a scurvy pirate??

My Mommy is the biggest WITCH!

All cleaned up at home. VERY happy to be crinkling up a Snickers bar and wearing Lightning McQueen on my Jammies! And as a bonus to the evening, Spider Man (AKA "SpydEE mon") came to my house tonight! I'm a new fan of the "man".

For those of you that are interested, Reid's leg is finally feeling well enough for him to have started walking around a little tonight. He's not winning any races yet, but we're happy to see some progress finally. Four days is too long for a toddler not to toddle!


Lainey-Paney said...

he's sooooooo cute!

Marci said...

What a cutie!!!!!

Ann(ie) said... very precious. My little guy was a bumble bee, too.

Texasholly said...

Love the bee costume. Love the name.