Thursday, December 06, 2007


Reid's language is really picking up these days. But if you haven't trained your ear to his way of speaking, you might not catch the gist, so I'll help you out here.

I hab it/I hode it = Give that to me now
NO! = NO!
Yesh = Yes
Help, Help!! = Somebody please save me. My mommy's trying to trap me in this carseat again, totally against my will!!
WeeAYgo!! On!! = I want to wear my Go Diego Go pajamas/I don't want these other crummy pajamas/I don't want to wear real clothes to daycare (This can sometimes be accompanied by "help, help" which meaning then changes to "somebody please save me, my mommy's trying to trap me in these crummy pajamas without Diego on them"
Baff = bath
Bubbelsh = I want bubbles in my bath
I toot = I just made bubbelsh in my baff
Mooomie = I want to watch "Cars," "Nemo," or "Incredibles". NOW.
DBD = See "moomie"
I do it = I do it
MINE = well, no explanation necessary--its ALL mine.



Marci said...

So cute... I can't wait until we get there. Right now, I am translating signs for people as we are not using words. But his language skills are developing because he knows a TON of signs!

Reid, wanna come over and teach Cameron how to talk like you?

Lainey-Paney said...

very cute. sounds very much like Gage in my mind!

Lainey-Paney said...

P.S. Hope you guys had a great Christmas!