Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Me and Uncle Sam and Daddy

Every Boy Needs a Rat and a Dragon

I've Got a Monkey on My Back!

Soooo Worn Out...


My Uncle Sam came to see me a few weeks ago, and he came bearing gifts! Not every little boy is as lucky as me...not every boy's uncle comes from far away with dragons, monkeys and rats. Stuffed ones of course. He also brought me a big stuffed dog, but its too big and heavy for me to drag around, so its not in any of the pictures.

So here's the update...I am so big that I walk anywhere I want to go. I still do a little wobbling and falling, but I am a true toddler now! I love playing "ba-ball" with the basketball that Mama Nikki bought me for my birthday. I can bounce it or roll it back and forth and get so excited when Mom or Dad plays with me.

I am learning all kinds of words:

Ba-ball = basketball
UnDAT! = I want that! (usually said 15 times in a row with great enthusiasm and about something he's not supposed to have)
Tenkewwwww! = Thank You

This week I even said my first "sentence!" Mommy gave me a new book and I got so excited and said "Tenkewww! Da Book! Tenkewww! Da Book!" over and over. Unnecessary translation: "Thank you for the book!"

In a nutshell...I am a really smart cool baby, and I like to chew a rat tail every once in a while. Happy summer!

Love, Reid


Anonymous said...

Man oh man Reid! YOu are getting SOOOOO big! Love those cheeks!

I am envious of your cool rat and monkey and extensive vocabulary! (But aren't my typing skills excellent for a 19 month old?)

Tell your mom, "Happy MOther's Day!" from me and my Mama Stork!


Baby A.

Reid said...

Thanks, A.

Tell your Mommy to have a great Mother's day too! When is she gonna post/send some cute pics of you? And, yes, your typing skills rock!


Godluvsu2 said...

yay, new post!

Mich said...

Reid, you are soooo big!! You and Meg could have serious conversations-- "Iwandat" is her favorite right now, so you may have to wrestle her for your rat or dragon (which are so cool).

Anonymous said...

Reid, you are a big boy your pictures reeelly show it.From your cousin Sammi I LOVE YOU!:)

Jennifer said...

Reid, I posted 5 new blogs since you have been online!! You better come check them =)

BlessedWithDaughters said...

So very cute! Thanks for sharing with me, and sorry about the glitches with my email and blog. Still not sure what's going on with that.

Anyway, he's such a miracle...I'm sure you thank God every day! (I know I do!)