When baby makes too much noise, just cork him up, right?? Actually, Reid likes to put shape sorter thingies in his mouth...often.

I have been so bad about telling you all about my latest adventures. What with being cute and all, it leaves little time for baby blogging, you know?? So let me try and catch you up...
I have started to get braver with my walking, putting 7-8 steps together at a time, wandering away from the safety of the couch. And at my Minas Koressel's I learned how to climb stairs on Easter...wow.
I'm still loving my books and now I'll point to interesting things on the page. Once I even repeated after Nano Morrison and said "blue" when we were reading the book about colors. Well, actually I said "boo" but you get the picture.
I like music, and am starting to get a little taste of the boogie fever. I dance best on my knees on the floor. Sometimes I push the doorbell button on my little tent twice just so I can dance. Push it once, it rings the doorbell. Push it twice and it plays "No place like home."
Mommy is trying to slowly wean me off bottles, but we're taking it slow. I only drink milk now, though, No formula anymore. And I can finally use the sippy cup like a pro! Yay for me!!
So, now you're caught up with all my shenanigans. Seems like every time you blink, I can do something new.
Might I suggest the following:
Nuby makes these bottles with soft sippy nipples.
It made our transition easier...but, that really only happened when Gage was ready...we tried prematurely, & it went over like a lead balloon.
(www.nuby.com, then select "feeding" b/c the one I am referencing is for babies 6 months & up)
Slowly, he was okay with it.
let's see, Lainey...we have four or five different kinds of sippies one which was a nuby. Lots of people had the same experience you did. It turns out the playtex sipster is the favorite, as thats what she gives him at daycare, though now he'll take any one of them. I like the playtex ones but the little inserts that help keep them leak proof seem to go bad awfully quick. Know where you can get some refills? I might go to their website.
I need to go check your website, now. :)
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