Poor little Roo. Last night he was so excited to go to a party ("Oh Boy! Paahty!"). It was a family soup cook, lots of people and their kids outside just enjoying a really pleasant evening. I was looking forward to it too. Early on, Reid saw the boys playing football so he was automatically just drawn to it--both the football, and the thought of playing with the older boys. He was just standing there, watching in awe, wanting to join in...and right about then, he got tackled. My little baby was in the wrong place at the wrong time when one boy chased another. First boy landed on Reid, second boy landed on first boy, and oh...it really hurt.
He calmed down and got snuggly and subdued, but really clingy. When I tried to put him down he screamed to get back up. Eventually we went inside and he just kind of layed around and played with toys...but really quiet and emotional. We got to thinking that maybe his poor little noggin hurt from hitting the ground, so we went home, gave him a bath and let him snuggle til he went to bed.
This morning, more crying, clingy, snuggly behavior. I went to put him down and he screamed and wouldn't put weight on his left leg at all. Oh, we really missed the mark. In retrospect, I realized he hadn't allowed us to put him on his feet since the tackle--so when I thought he was being clingy and antisocial, he was really in pain on his leg! Poor baby. We were able to get him into after hours clinic by 10:30, and he was a trooper during the waiting times, while the doctor examined him and while he got his FIRST (I'm sure there will be many) set of x-rays of his left leg and hips. Good news, no breaks or dislocations. Just some probable soft tissue bruise that will keep him off his feet for awhile.
So we spent the rest of the day coddling and helping him play on the floor. Its really frustrating for him, after being so mobile and fast for so long. Eventually he figured out how to hobble up onto his little fire engine and push himself around the house without having to walk--smart boy!
Throughout the evening he had his bouts of pain where he would cry, but get over it fairly quick, and he really became quite a bit more limber and brave later in the evening, daring to pull himself up and try to climb the arm of the couch or take a few steps or try to play golf. Only a few times his leg just totally gave out on him, but he looked so determined to try. Mama's going to stay home with him tomorrow and hope he gets some of his mobility back before we take him back to daycare. He needs to feel better since we have a trip planned to go to Indy's Children's museum this Saturday!
On a brighter note, since he was being such a stinker right before dinner, Daddy agreed to bundle him up and take him for a wagon ride (an all time favorite!), and here is what he looked like as he rounded the corner for home. Along with the visual you get, imagine it coupled with a real attitude about getting his picture taken...are boys allowed to be called "divas??"