Oh, I have been so good this year...well at least since I've been born earlier this year...I just KNOW Santa will bring me some goodies.
In the coming week, there will be so much excitement. There will be a Christmas party at Miss Julie's tomorrow and the jolly guy himself is supposed to show up. Then on Friday all Mommy's family is coming to MY house for dinner and presents. As you can see from the picture, though, I find that the boxes the presents come in are probably more fun! Then all my aunts and uncles and cousins from Daddy's family will be coming to visit--some of them live pretty far away, so I don't get to see them much. And there will be more parties with more family all the way into next weekend. So...I wonder how screwed up my routine will be by the time I go back to Miss Julie's in the new year...?
I get to go to the Dr. for my 9 month checkup this Friday. I expect she'll tell me I'm perfect yet again. I will show her how I can clap, crawl and stand up (with only a little help), and I'll show her the two new teeth I'm getting up top (that will make four up top and two on bottom). I may even show her what those teeth can do. Did you know that teeth can BITE?? I taught mom that lesson just the other night when she was trying to trim my nails. I hate it when she trims my nails. I may just bite her every time she does that in the future...
Anyway, its past my bedtime now. I actually stay up til 7:30 sometimes now. Just want to send a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my family. I hope to hear from you all in the new year.
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