Here's a couple of the most recent pictures mom and dad have taken of me. I'm really gonna hate that nakey one a few years from now...but at least they made sure that all my "naughty bits" are covered.
Gosh, this week I am taking off with my rolling around and occasionally make some army crawl movements if there's something I really want to get to. Sometimes it is so frustrating to try and get at my toys, though, and Mom and Dad aren't much help. Dad always tells Mom that I'll never learn if she keeps helping me out and pushing the toys closer...anyway, hopefully I'll be crawling before Christmas, cause there's gonna be lots of stuff I'm gonna want to see and get into, and if I'm still going at this rate, it'll take forever!
Today I had a really busy day. First, Mom and me went to church, and saw my Great Grandma K and Great Aunt Joanne from Gatlinburg. That was during nap time, so when we got home, mom tried to lay me down, but after about a half hour I was up and at 'em. Not too long after that, Uncle Denny and Aunt Judy dropped by to visit and hug, but we couldn't stay long, because we had to leave again to go to Great Granmda's surprise birthday party (she's 85!). There were so many people and so much excitement, that no one was able to get me to take a nap or eat a bottle. There were so many people there who hadn't seen me in so long, that I got LOTS of hugs and lovin, but eventually it was just too much. Mom had only driven a few miles down the road before I was konked out completely. I'm such a trooper--even though I was sooo tired, I didn't get grouchy or anything.
Tomorrow, its back to Julie and the kids to get back into my regular routine.
A NOTE TO Nikki: I was so happy to see that you popped in to see the site and hope you visit often! I didn't post your comment since it had first and last name--didn't know if you wanted that posted or not. Let me know! I'll send some pics soon. Look forward to hearing more from you!--Em