Six months and four days ago, I was born. My firstmom had been in labor all day and night and finally, early on a Sunday morning, I came into the world. She was so tired, and I had to go into an oxygen chamber for most of the day. It wasn't until about 7 that night that I got to meet everyone up close for the first time: my first mom, "Mama N" got to hold me first, then her dad, "Grampa G," then Daddy and Mommy. They thought I looked really big, but when they held me they realized how small I really was. Who knew I'd have so many people there to love me that day! On the day I was born, I weighed 8 lbs., 11 oz.
Now that I'm a big boy, I'm close to 20 lbs!! We'll find out for sure next week when I go to the doctor. I'll have to get shots, though--I hope they don't hurt as bad as last time!
Recently, I've been doing lots of new and exciting things:
- I have been taking baths in the big boy bathtub! I have a nifty chair that sits in the tub so I can sit up and play. I haven't figured out how much fun it is to splash yet. When I do, I'm sure I'll get Mommy really wet!
- I can roll over at will! I used to only be able to turn from my front to my back, but now--I can get anywhere I want because I can flip from back to front. Mommy says she's going to make an outfit out of Swiffer sheets so I can help clean the house, but I think she's kidding.
- I don't have to be rocked to sleep--I whine a little so Mom and Daddy know its bedtime and all they have to do is put me in my crib and I go right to sleep. For the most part, I sleep all night. Sometimes I need a little snack and diaper change around 10, but nobody seems to mind. I think they like to get some extra snuggles in since I go to bed so early.
- I eat all kinds of baby food now. My favorites are all yellow and orange food: squash, sweet potatoes, applesauce, carrots and pears. Green beans and peas make me gag. Hopefully, my parents will quit wasting their money on those.
- I see the cat, I want the cat, I grab the cat...the cat runs away. I don't get it.
Next time I promise to post more pictures and let you know how my doctor's appointment went.
I hope to see you all soon!
Love, Reid