You saw my crazy hair in the last post. Well, Mommy sent that picture to Leeanna as proof that I really needed a haircut bad, and she worked me into her schedule at the shop. We went on Friday night, and boy was I good. Mommy held me and tried to make sure I didn't wiggle and lose an ear. Daddy entertained me so I would look the right way. But even with all that, it took Leeanna's experience and her brilliant idea to get the job done right. If you zoom in on the top picture, you'll see in my hand...a CHEET-O!! I never had a Cheet-o before, and ya know what?? I. Like. Cheet-os. Even if they're covered in my own hair. And you can see from the picture below, how handsome I am with my new slick cut...both ears intact.