Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Went back to the Dr. today to get my ears checked, and guess what? My left ear is infected again. I still have a cold and cough, and now I have to start ANOTHER antibiotic. I am tired of medicine and will try to grab the sticky dose dropper every time. Really, all I want is to be left alone to play and crawl around as I please. Please cross your fingers for me that this time, the infection will go away, and I can get back to my happy-go-lucky life. I mean, really...I have grandmas to visit and birthday parties to go to and this is really cramping my style!
Hope you're all doing well and dodging ugly winter germs.
Love, Reid
Sunday, January 21, 2007

For those of you who've been checking and on the edge of your seats to see how I'm doing, thanks for thinking of me. Fact is, Mom and Dad have been sick right along with me so they weren't able to help me with the computer for a little while. We are all starting to feel better, though, thankfully. I had an ear infection and had to take antibiotics, and the cough and cold is still hanging on a little. Just this afternoon, I started having a fever of 102 again, so we'll see how that turns out when its time to go to daycare tomorrow. Pray that the ear infections don't come back...they're yucky. My appetite is back and I am back to playing most of the time. Just a little grouchy here and there, and still need some help sleeping.
We are all ready to get out and go again and are tired of being cooped up in the house. In two weeks, I will get to spend the night at Nanny and Papaw's house while mom and dad go out for a big night at "The Chocolate Affair". Get ready, Nanny...
I hope you're all doing well...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I've been coughing since Sunday, but overall did pretty good. But it all got to be too much for me yesterday. The runny nose, the cough, probably a sore throat and all the excitement at daycare put me over the edge. I mean, I didn't even feel like playing or getting into things...not eating much either. So Mommy called the doctor after hours--hold tight they say, and try to give me some fluids. Mommy has tried, but I didn't want too much of that through the night. At least I got a good night's sleep. We both stayed home from work today, and I still don't want to eat or drink anything, so Mommy called the doctor again. I get to go see her at 10:30 this morning. Pray that I get my appetite back because Mommy and Daddy think I'm pretty pitiful right now.
I'll let you know what happens...I'm not used to being sicky, but I'm doing me best. Still in a pretty good mood despite feeling bad.
Love you,